Why solar?


The sun delivers enough solar energy to the earth each hour to power our global energy needs for an entire year1. Today, more than ever before in human history, we have the ability to harness and distribute this clean energy source cheaper and more efficiently.

Globally, investment in the renewable electricity generation sector continues to grow rapidly, driven by rapidly decreasing renewable plant costs relative to traditional thermal sources such as gas and coal-fired generation, supportive policy frameworks and consumer support for emission-free electricity generation.


The world’s population is growing and meeting its increasing energy demands while managing environmental, social and economic issues is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Economies of scale and technological advances have seen production costs of renewable energy decline dramatically. This global shift in the energy landscape means generating more renewable energy from sources like solar and delivering more clean energy, adding jobs and creating tens of billions of dollars in investment.


Electricity produced from solar is now at cost parity with the electricity grid (‘grid parity’) in many markets. Grid parity is prompting a much wider adoption of solar power generation with solar photovoltaic (PV)2 capacity predicted to account for as much as 32 per cent of global power capacity by 2040 – more than six times that of today3. New Energy Solar’s objective is to create an innovative and socially responsible investment opportunity for global investors across the full solar value chain, especially lower risk, cash-flowing solar assets producing power with zero direct carbon emissions.



Co-locating farming land with solar PV generation can help stimulate the agricultural industry. Solar electricity generation provides new opportunities for farmers to diversify their income, offers a reliable revenue stream for land owners over the lease term, and delivers stability to people whose business is reliant on the climate and dictated by market prices. It could also drive regional investment, trade and employment. The expansion of solar infrastructure into farming communities may also help offset emissions produced by farming practices, especially in raising livestock. In North Carolina, agricultural landowners now earn greater income from leasing land to solar developers than from traditional operations4 and being involved in renewables makes them change agents on climate issues that influence their livelihood.